Tuttle adds version control to data collections in eXist-db applications such as TEI Publisher.
It is part of and published by the e-editiones society and can be used alongside TEI Publisher to allow synchronization of data collections between TEI Publisher instances and a Git repository.
Tuttle wraps the APIs of the Git service providers under a common OpenAPI in TEI Publisher allowing projects to seemlessly add version control to their data.
Tuttle offers 2 modes of operation:
in the pictures below the Github Logo is used but Gitlab can be used the same way
In this scenario users use their own tools to edit documents and push their changes to a git repository.
With Tuttle enabled the configured eXist-db collection can be updated completely or incrementally on request or by using a git workflow for automatic deployment.
An application may choose to use the Tuttle application to synchronize their database collections to a Git repository and allow users without Git knowledge to version their documents.
In this case the application will use the Tuttle API to offer a custom integration into its user interface.